Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Audiobooks for Kids in the Car

Audiobooks have really saved us. Kids audiobooks. In the car. We get them from the library, mostly Magic Tree House, and listen to them on long car trips or even shorter ones. When the stories come on, my daughters stop fighting, complaining, or messing around. They just listen. We all just listen. And it makes for a very sane trip! And I feel so happy that we have yet another book under our belts. The girls adore Mary Pope Osborne's Jack and Annie. We know them very well now, and look forward to each new adventure. The "Frozen" soundtrack is also a current favorite. I absolutely refuse to have a DVD player in the car--audiobooks are even better!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Back to the Compost


Path to the compost bin--no excuses now!

So, tonight I finally realized that I had to dig a path to my compost bin. We have about 10 or 12 inches of snow on the ground at the moment. I started digging only to discover that there was a 2-inch layer of ice in there too. But I persevered, and I dumped all my scraps, including the container that we collect at the office, into the bin. I filled each small compost container with some warm water, but I really don't know if there will be any action in the bins until the spring. Up until now I've been lazy about composting this winter, but I'm trying to make up for that. It's crazy to just throw all those scraps into the garbage disposal.

I just reread Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson, and I think that's what inspired me.

2-inch ice thick ice chunks!

our back porch steps
kids picnic table